Beauty news: Glow Lab invites their fans to join Glow Getters and get all the goodies

Affordable, efficacious, and proudly New Zealand owned, Glow Lab was inspired by Kiwis and created for Kiwis nearly four years ago, sourcing from nature and perfecting their formulations with science. It’s a brand that is proudly authentic in so many of the things they do, and that includes its close relationship with their legions of devoted Glow Lab fans.
Their strategy has always been to use their amazing fans in their campaigns (like the sublime Angela, above and below with her images), and this was quite rightly recognised when the public voted Glow Lab as the best brand for Services to Inclusivity in Remix’s recent Lifestyle Awards 2021.

With all this in mind, it makes sense that true Glow Lab fans now can be part of a special programme where they get to trial, review and be gifted product! Called quite simply Glow Getters, Glow Lab created the programme to give their customers a voice, because who better to share their experience with Glow Lab products than their own fans? Glow Getters will constantly be picked to receive ‘influencer kits’, new products, product samples etc., thereby playing a key role in the ongoing growth of the brand and their constantly innovation in the beauty sphere.

Anyone can enter to be on the list, by filling out the form found here.


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